
What is functional genomics testing?

Functional medicine is getting to the root cause of a problem and identifying problem patterns long before they become a problem. Every individual is unique. Sometimes what can be helpful for some can be harmful for others.

What is genomic testing?

Functional genomics looks at genetics to find clues to where there is “potential” for suboptimal function in pathways related to inflammation, antioxidants, digestion, etc. Genomic testing provides the information to identify problematic genetic pathways so you can support the “function” that may not be optimal instead of simply treating disease.

Why is genomic testing useful?

Many people are “afraid” to learn about their genetic profile, feeling like it just worsens anxiety if you find mutations on specific genetic markers. Actually, though,  there is so much power in identifying this EARLY. 

For example, if you have the genetic SNP’s that cause you to absorb excess iron, you may have pathways that create excess hydroxyl radicals that can cause cancers.  Antioxidants are designed to counteract the negative effects of these free radicals and reactive oxygen species. There is only a problem when the balance of these is disrupted and oxidative stress is not neutralized.

Knowing this information early and supplementing or adjusting lifestyle to avoid the excess could prevent cancer formation. Nutritional compensation may also be beneficial for overall well-being and may potentially support variant enzymes. 

How does genomic testing work and practically provide support?

By combining lab work and information about symptoms with functional genomic testing, the ability to customize support is incredible. The best way to utilize the genomic testing is combining it with an organic acid test. This will give you information in regards to potential problems and actual problems. Then the information can be plugged into  software that will give supplement suggestions and guidance on how to optimize the function.

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I’m Sarah--a mom, wife, and nurse practitioner-- I have worked in health care for over 20 years. I saw the things that worked and the things that didn’t.

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